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Department of Spatial Planning

Kick-off event mobil ans #werk

© TU Dortmund

Thinking mobility ahead together - our goal for the next nine months together with the town of Burgwedel, local citizens and companies, and the Hannover region in an extensive participation process. The cooperation with local companies kicked off with our workshop on Friday, September 3, 2021 at the Wettmar Volunteer Fire Department. After a brief technical input on the urgent need for action resulting from nationwide and regional challenges for the Burgwedel location, the focus was on the experiences and difficulties of the companies.

Working groups were able to identify initial problems as well as possible solutions and potential: The traffic situation will continue to worsen due to business park expansions despite the good traffic situation; the central challenge is to reduce car traffic and increase the quality of public transport as an alternative. Discussions were held on the frequency and accessibility of rail transport, the connection of the industrial estates to the railroad station and the city center as transfer hubs, but also on the future of work and which changes will be important in the next 15 years. Mobil ans #werk - it has already become clear that we can only continue to think about this complex topic together.

Project „mobil ans #werk“: City of Burgwedel gathers ideas for the commuter traffic of the future
Artikel der HAZ Burgwedel (In German)